Thursday, December 17, 2009

posting to the b network & reading the b network

If you get connected to the wifi b network, i suggest visiting my "b" blog. That's where i post stuff that would cause me problems on the regular Internet.

Even though the b network is open, since it uses ad-hoc wifi, it doesn't rely on the Internet backbone. This frees me to say things that Verizon (which owns the backbone) and politicians wouldn't allow.

My blog is at http://[::1]/wordpress

The address may seem a little funny. That is because it uses IPv6. i'm running apache2 webserver along with radvd for router discovery. It all runs on my laptop! Since my laptop runs the webserver software, the localhost address leads to the content, in this case my unexpurgated blog.

One nice thing about doing it this way.. i can run the webserver on my own computer, and host my own content. This helps to reduce the price of bandwidth and storage, since the transport mechanism is wifi.

There is no charge for sharing packets on an ad-hoc network.


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