Friday, January 29, 2010

the game of lose the pony

playing punch the dirty fucking hippy.

anyway since you looked.. here is the pony.

File:Dartmoor pony 1.jpg

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Privacy matters.

ironical, of course, is the fact that private information is being stolen and misused in order to prevent publication of public information. some information is ok and must be stolen. other information is not ok and must be supressed. dang, though, the choices made by such judges, whom would repress the perfectly public information and steal the inalienably private.

EFF : Report Confirms FBI Misuse of Authority to Obtain Phone Records

Report Confirms FBI Misuse of Authority to Obtain Phone Records

from an EFF blog post

“Exigent letters” are informal requests (i.e., not subpoenas, warrants, court orders, or other statutory requests) that ask telecoms to provide “call detail records” about particular subscribers, and, in some letters, illegally asking telecoms to disclose the subscriber's “community of interest" (friends of friends' phone records).

pretty soon they will be friends of friends of freinds or friends of friends phone records and they will think i've been calling Kevin Bacon..

i hate to ask

does Rupert Murdoch buy Google ads to increase the pagerank of FAUXNews and the WSJ?

please do no evil.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank You Farmers

undersung, somewhat like the military, but we need them just the same!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Network permissions

they are challenging, but there are established standards. In order to connect the dots, the network permissions need to be set.

spam fraud

you know the FBI could just make some free email accounts and nab most of them.. wonder why not?